4 Quotes & Sayings By Philander Johnson

"New York Times" bestselling author Philander Johnson helped bring the power of positive thinking to the world, spreading the message that self-confident faith in God and in one's own abilities can transform any situation. He spent his career in publishing, researching, writing, and lecturing on the topics of faith and deliverance. He founded the International Church of Religious Science in New York City, built the Philander Johnson Institute for Faith Healing in Atlanta, Georgia, and served as an advisor to many churches throughout America. He died in 1968 at age eighty-six.

Cheer up the worst is yet to come. Philander Johnson
Don't throw a monkey-wrench into the machinery. Philander Johnson
Oh what a blamed uncertain thing This pesky weather is It blew and snew and then it thew And now by jing it's friz. Philander Johnson